General Postdocs

If you are interested in joining our Remote Worlds Lab team, please check out these general opportunities.

Ramón y Cajal

The Ramón y Cajal program from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities is the most prestigious, top-level, very competitive, postdoctoral program in the Spanish scientific career. Usually, the call for applications is issued in December-January. The financial support consists on 5-year contracts with salaries depending on the final institution (ranging from 33,000 €/yeat to 42,000 €/year) and call. To atract external talent, the lately come with a generous budget to cover research costs.

Duration of contract
5 years (lately coming with some stabilization compromise)
Ranging from 33,000 €/year to 42,000 €/year (depending on the final host institution)
Project budget
50,000 € to cover research costs (including the possibility of hiring personnel). But this changes from call to call. See specific call.
Key requisites
PhD obtained between ten and two years prior to the opening of the call (but please check the corresponding call for details).
See last call in this link

Juan de la Cierva

The Juan de la Cierva program from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has the purpose of encouraging the incorporation of young researchers, in possession of a doctorate degree, in order for them to complete their postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centers. Applications for participation are submitted by the host institutions. The selection is based on a competitive process based on their curricular merits and the scientific-technical history of the research team in which they want to join, giving special relevance to the merits related to the researcher tutor. If you are interested in applying to this program you must first contact well in advance the team where you would like to be enrolled.

Duration of contract
2 years
Minimum of 28,000 €/year (depending on the final host institution)
Key requisites
PhD obtained within the two years prior to the opening of the call (but please check the corresponding call for details).
See last call in this link

Junior Leader (La Caixa)

The Junior Leader program from the La Caixa Foundation is a prestigious postdoctoral program to pursue your own project. This is a very competitive program, which is a COFUND from the European Marie-Sklodowska Curie actions. There are two ways, the Incoming (for researchers coming from institutions outside of Spain and Portugal) and the Retaining (for researchers already in Spanish of Portuguese institutions). The program also comes with a good yearly budget (around 38,000 €/year) and a highly competitive salary (FC1, corresponding to a minimum 59,000 €/year gross salary). If you are interested in applying to this program you must first contact well in advance the team where you would like to be enrolled.

Duration of contract
3 years
Minimum of 59,000 €/year (depending on the final host institution)
Project budget
38,000 €/year to cover research costs (including the possibility of hiring personnel).
Key requisites
PhD obtained between 2 and 7 years prior to the closing date of the call (but please check the corresponding call for details). Mobility requisites also apply.
Check out the program in this link

Marie Curie

The objective of the Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

Duration of contract
5 years (lately coming with some stabilization compromise)
Very competitive (see call)
Key requisites
PhD obtained maximum 8 years before call. Mobility requisites apply.
Check out the program in this link

Atracción de Talento (CAM)

The objective of the Atracción de Talento program from the Comunidad de Madrid is to hire doctoral research personnel, who have carried out their professional activity abroad for a certain period of time, for their incorporation into the research groups of the Community of Madrid.

Duration of contract
5 years (lately coming with some stabilization compromise throgh the consecution of the R3 certificate)
Very competitive (see call), usually as FC1 (~2600€/month). Minum gross salary must be 40,000€/year (first 3 years) and 47,000€/year (last two years assuming the R3 is achieved).
Project budget
200,000€ to cover research costs (including the possibility of hiring personnel).
Key requisites
PhD obtained between 2-10 years before call. Mobility requisites apply.
Check out the program in this link